Tax Penalty? I Don't Pay Taxes

But they do vote! Does anyone else see the problem? 47% pay no taxes, but have an equal vote that says how much the other 53% have to pay in supporting them.
And of course those 47 million are always voting to make sure they continue to not pay taxes.

You can only takes so much from the "haves" and give to the "have nots" before the "haves" turn into "have nots."
Mega international corporations don't pay taxes either. Oil companies don't pay taxes. Big pharma doesn't pay taxes. Churches don't pay tax. The super-wealthy neo-cons and mod-libs don't pay taxes. Arig-Biz doesn't pay taxes. Wall Street doesn't pay taxes.

Leona Helmsley: "We don't pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes."

There isn't a corportation that pays taxes. The people who buy their products pay taxes.

Raise taxes on businesses, prices go up. Tax oil companies, oil prices rise. Tax churches...well, actually I think that's a great idea.

Ecoomics 101. Education is a wonderful thing.

By the way Al, you understand this as well as I. There is no reason for your post other than to get a "rise" out of other people. That's why I don't argue with you anymore. No reason to give you any more public attention that is needed.

Rick is right. Only individuals pay taxes. And pay, and pay, and pay.

Individuals don't have anyone to pay their tax bill for them. They don't have customers who buy their products.

The same principle applies to group health insurance. Employers don't pay for it, the employee does. The cost of health insurance is part of the wage package. All of which is paid for by . . . customers.

And while we are at it, the government doesn't pay for anything either. They don't produce a product or service. They don't have their own money and sadly, much of the money they are spending come from other countries, such as China.
They don't have their own money and sadly, much of the money they are spending come from other countries, such as China.

Or they print it out of thin air, eroding the value of the dollar. The biggest losers: our foreign debt holders who financed us and also, drum roll please....US! I would guess less than 10% of the population understands this hidden tax and how much it impacts them.
The original Tea Party was over "Taxation Without Representation". The problem we have now is representation without taxation. When you allow people to vote on how to spend other people's money they will often vote it from someone else's pockets into their own. And the government doesn't mind as it gets a huge cut off the top.

Who was it that said "This will be a great country until the people figure out that they can vote themselves money"?
This is a sad thing but we can't blame some people who are exposed to corruption in the government which led them to consider avoiding tax. Reality bites indeed.