Telemarketing or Door to Door


New Member
Hey guys My situation is this. Have been captive most of my 20 years, the last 2 years I am on my own. I am focused on commercial (P & C) and group health. I have also contracted with MetLife and a few others that offer a unique opportunity. For a reduced commission if I send them the lead their outbound call center works the lead and closes 40%. So its a pretty sweet deal, I just have to supply the leads. So that's the question, better to just telemarket, direct mail or go visit...Thoughts? (this is commercial insurance only)!
So you essentially pass a name and number to their call center? Then their people take care of it from beg to end? That IS a great deal.

I would think over the phone is your best bet. You could call companies that are renewing in your area, find out which ones are taking quotes and pass on the info to your contact. I havent found mailers to work very well for commercial, nothin like an old fashion call.