Thank You Cards for FE.

I know a guy that buys a 100 cards in bulk from the Dollar Store for about $25. He hand writes out the cards and puts a stamp on them and mails them. That's what I will go back to doing. I could mail 100 cards for about $70. That's a much better deal than paying SOC two hundred and fifty and having to take the time with them to do it.

It might be cheaper, but for me the convenience of entering my clients' info into the address book, and one-clicking them into my pre-made thank you and birthday card campaign is well worth the tax-deductible money. I don't miss the days of handwriting thank you notes and licking envelopes.
"I can guarantee you I get calls from my cards. I have certain cards that have a very high response of people calling me the minute they open it."

That's strong, I've sent out TY letters for 20+ years and never had a call like that. Yes, that's letters not cards. Is there anything special you have written in the card? What makes the card special? Thanks.
It might be cheaper, but for me the convenience of entering my clients' info into the address book, and one-clicking them into my pre-made thank you and birthday card campaign is well worth the tax-deductible money. I don't miss the days of handwriting thank you notes and licking envelopes.

I agree, but I think SoC is not user friendly. Maybe I will look for another company that does the same thing but easier to use. Also the delay with SoC is maddening. It takes a week for clients to receive the card on average.
"I can guarantee you I get calls from my cards. I have certain cards that have a very high response of people calling me the minute they open it."

That's strong, I've sent out TY letters for 20+ years and never had a call like that. Yes, that's letters not cards. Is there anything special you have written in the card? What makes the card special? Thanks.

I get creative with them. I have to admit that my highest response cards have cookies with them.

When I get a quality life insurance referal I send the person a card that says "Thank you for your kind referal" on the front.
When they open it there is a picture of me and my wife standing on a glacier in Alaska in front of a helicopter. I put a caption at the bottom that says "We search everywhere to find the best insurance values for our clients."
Then the lower inside has a nice thank you message.
I send this out with the gourmet cookies. Believe me it gets a call EVERY time AND it usually gets me additional referals.
I can't count the number if times little old ladies actually ask if I own the helicopter.