That "No Business" Feeling


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
So we've all had it. Those days where for 2-3 days in a row, you've got no new business coming in. You're in your office, staring at your PC, making a few cold calls, but you're bumming out because you've got nothing going on.

It's not too long after day 3 that you start to feel like you completely will never sell anything ever again.

You know that logically in your head, this will pass and you will be busy again, but the other part of your head that makes you feel like a slug just you bummed out.

My questions are 2.

1. Does anyone know what I'm talking about, i.e. have you been there too ?

2. What do you do to bring yourself out of the dulldrum ?

Question 1: Everyday.
Question 2: Sell something.

Okay, in all seriousnous, we have all been there. Even when things pick up, sometimes the mood doesn't pick up for a while.

I've come to realize that it is mostly me that is the problem. I need an attitude adjustment. I either take some time off and go do something (a good bike ride always helps), or work on non-client stuff, such as a marketing campaign, for a while.

Every once in a while, you just need a distraction. Be careful though. Sometimes it's hard to get back in the drivers seat.

The other alternative is to post on some insurance forum somewhere.... always makes for a decent distraction.

I know what your talking about.

Last Friday, I took about 20 Producer Pipeline and PZ leads.

I was seriously pissed off by 4:00pm with all of the 18-20 year old's, uninsurables and currently uninsureds. No deals all day. Then at 4:30pm, I got a lead in, and the result was a $800 month health policy.

You must stay positive.

You must find a way to keep a smile on your face, or you will walk right past a sale.

And if one marketing effort is not panning out, for whatever reason try another one. If you buy internet leads almost exclusively, try cold calling, b2b, Passing flyers out....etc.
Geez, squeed, I thought the title of your thread was referring to the song, "There's no business like show business!" I have to admit that there is some correlation between the insurance business and show business, but don't ask me to explain it.
I'm with DJS...we've all been there. My advice is to either cold call till you make a sale or at the very least get yourself on scheduled calling times that you KNOW will produce sales if you do the work. The only way to get out of that funk is to make a sale...only way to make a sale is to talk to more people.
You're going to get fewer leads when you filter out the 18-20 crowd and the uninsurables, and that can make the day feel even slower and even longer.

Fortunately, you'll be able to console yourself by rolling around in your big pile of money because you'll be talking to people who have a shot in hell at buying.

(Note: I'm 23 and don't buy leads for anyone under thirty. We're all jackasses. If you're under 30 and I've sold you, you were a referral or you hit my website - no way I paid for that.)
(Note: I'm 23 and don't buy leads for anyone under thirty. We're all jackasses. If you're under 30 and I've sold you, you were a referral or you hit my website - no way I paid for that.)

This made me laugh... I agree. I'm 29 and can't wait to turn 30 so I can stop being a jackass.

In response to the OP, I have a different approach. Instead of fighting it, and pushing to make a sale, I either touch base with an existing client or just step away from the office for an hour or two. Somehow, that always reminds me why I do what I do (enjoy working with seniors and working for myself), and I get re-energized and go at work with a different attitude that usually results in a sale.
Leave your office and get out and see the people!

I'm not saying go door to door, but hell go to Walmart and just start talking with seniors. I have an agent that does this everyday and is successful.

My last term sale was I went to the Chiropractor and the lady behind the desk told me she also has a ton of kids, after I told her I have 5 of them. Next thing I know I was asking her if she has any life insurance and what would happen to her kids if something happend to her. She started telling me that I'm going to buy some one day and she knows she needs some. I knew I had her at that point. She had no idea on about how much it would cost. She was way too high and it took 2 visits or treatments on my back, before I had her.

I can't tell you how many times I have found prospect, by just getting out and talking with people.

I want you to at least, give out 10 business cards a day.

I want you to ask for referrals when you do sell someone.

Call you existing clients and ask them if they need anything and if they know anyone else you can help.

The trick is to find somone that has a problem and then fix it.