The Best MA Plan to Sell

You will need certification to sell MA's and PDP's
MA's come in three basic types, PFFS, HMO and PPO.
In Marion County, there are 28 MA plans,
14 PPO's
7 HMO's
As you are in Marion County, Indiana, and I live thousands of miles away, I have no clue as to how strong the networks are with the HMO's and PPO's.
Go to for further info....

I am working on the Certifications and should have that wrapped up next week.

28 different plan designs that just great. Not only do I have to know all the group plan designs from multiple carriers, Indiviudal plan designs of multiple carriers, Self funded prodcuts, LTC products,Life products and now I am going to add 28 different MA plans.

I am going to pick one or two of the PPO plans and that is all I am going to sell.

Thanks you for the feedback


Then are you selling the Med sups with D?
I know the Med sups because i use to sell those.

Is the med sup approach better coverage than the MA plans?
Not this crap again...
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I am going to pick one or two of the PPO plans and that is all I am going to sell. sell LTC? And any LTC plan will do? Of course not. If you are only going to sell a few MA plans, you'll need to figure out which few plans will work for the most people. You figure out their PDP first...then fit the right health plan with it. The combos will be stand alone PDP and MA, MAPD or PDP and med sup. Possibly even no PDP at all.

To do the best job for them you start with the drugs. You may be too late to get contracted with a few of them as they cut things off early.