The Dismantling of ObamaCare - Ongoing Updates.

Are you willing to pay a 15% (?) tax to do it?

I would not mind being taxed more for healthcare coverage, but I don't want to taxed at a real higher rate than say married couples or couples with children. I'm single, no dependents. Otherwise, it becomes yet another example where I'm taxed to subsidize just about everybody else in this society. Everybody (even the poor) need to have some "skin in the game."
There was an old Huey Long slogan: "Don't tax you, Don't tax me, tax that man behind the tree!"
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Looks like Rand got Trump to agree on replacing at the same time as repealing...

They gotta immediately do something about rates. In one sense they have - by cutting off the remaining other options. Next yr, even crappy STM is going. All else is group with small group having the same rates and perhaps FB underwritten. I'm not sure how FB slid that one by. Plans are non-compliant and underwritten but decent coverage.
Are you kidding me????

9. This is wrong. Individuals DID deal with Pre-Ex (if they could even get coverage) prior to ACA. Pre-ACA, individuals purchasing insurance in the individual market were protected from pre-existing condition exclusions if there was not a substantial break in coverage, their previous coverage was through an employer, and they fully exhausted COBRA coverage Plus, if we have a high risk pool,who cares? So the legislation contradicts itself? Or is this for people that went without and got a bad diagnosis? If so, 200% isn't enough.

10. Eliminates States Lines. HOORAH!! That'll fix it!

11. Somehow I don't think $50 million is enough for 50 states to establish a state version of the FFM. That's a joke, right?

This one (and all the rest) have yet to provide a solution to the disaster.

Rates still aren't going to down. Where's THAT legislation???

For 9, they're referring to pre-ex being waived for continuous coverage. That existed, but the bigger issue has always been getting coverage in the first place.

For 10, we all agree that's a joke of a solution, but it's nice to see them finally commit it to a proposal instead of just saying it a thousand times.

11, No effin way that's enough. My state alone is nearing half a billion in grants.
For 9, they're referring to pre-ex being waived for continuous coverage. That existed, but the bigger issue has always been getting coverage in the first place.

That wasn't true in TX for Indy coverage. Perhaps state to state?
Anyone wanna place bets on whether the GOP is going to screw this up?

They already have IMO. The selling across state lines shows they don't really understand, keeping the no pre ex is another. This nightmare has its tentacles in our country so deep it will take extraordinary actions to clean up.
Are you willing to pay a 15% (?) tax to do it?

As a health insurance agent, the opportunity for income gain could far outweigh the 15% tax increase for Medicare-for-all. So the answer is a "conditional" yes.


Anyone wanna place bets on whether the GOP is going to screw this up?

Thank goodness Donald Trump is a GET THINGS DONE business owner, and not a politician! Today, he demanded that the GOP grow a set of balls, and fulfill the promise they've made thousands of times over the past 6 years.

""President-elect Donald J. Trump pressed Republicans on Tuesday to move forward with the immediate repeal of the Affordable Care Act and to replace it very quickly thereafter, saying, "We have to get to business. Obamacare has been a catastrophic event.""

Source: Trump Pushes Republicans for Immediate Repeal of Obama Health Law

I think the politicians should be locked in the capitol until they hammer out a replacement.

Personally my solution to the health insurance debacle, go back to underwritten plans, and have a list of conditions that are uninsurable that would require admittance to medicare. Then mandate all supplements cover under 65 for those that are permanently disabled and receiving ssi for 24 months or if they are uninsurable per the list.

Then take a wrecking ball to Tricare and the VA and include it within the normal market.