The dog puked twice...

Coffee that's been pooped out of something's rear are you for real!?!

I think not. :confused:

Shonceman and me want Juan to pick our coffee.
You can have Juan's beans. I prefer home brewed Starbucks or Seattle's Best dark roasts. But I've been known to grab a senior coffee at McDonald's! (Hey, for .50¢, how good do it gotsta be?!!)

And I ain't drinkin' nothin' made from cat poo. I already deal with enough cat waste at work. Don't need to be reminded of it first thing in the morning!:chatterbox:
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A vet once told me that dogs just look at this as unprocessed food. The same with their feces. Maybe that might help you guys to ease your stomachs a little. I know it helped me a little.
Dogs like to eat cat sh*t, Something about the cat food having a lot of protein or something. :twitchy:
I have a really weak gag reflex. If something smells the least bit funky I lose it. Try to change my kids' diapers was an ugly ugly process.

This is the only one that got me ready to gag, I'm about to gag just thinking of it,

I am explaining a medicare plan to this guy, he is sitting in a big easy chair. he picks up from his side table this plastic bottle of cremora coffee creamer. He flicks the lid open and starts spitting into it, the sound alone was enough to make me sick.
This is the only one that got me ready to gag, I'm about to gag just thinking of it,

I am explaining a medicare plan to this guy, he is sitting in a big easy chair. he picks up from his side table this plastic bottle of cremora coffee creamer. He flicks the lid open and starts spitting into it, the sound alone was enough to make me sick.

At least it had a lid. When I was a kid, we visited an uncle of mine and his was an wide open can of hill brothers coffee. Some times he made it and sometimes he didn't. :eek:
At least it had a lid. When I was a kid, we visited an uncle of mine and his was an wide open can of hill brothers coffee. Some times he made it and sometimes he didn't. :eek:
Back in the days before catheter bags, my hillbilly great grandpa carried around a clear glass gallon jug full of orange liquid with a tube running up to the wasteband of his pajamas. I can remember being four years old and asking if I could have some of his orange juice. I couldn't understand why that always made him laugh!