The Future of Obamacare

For those who may not have seen this - this is a good overview of what will have to happen this enrollment for people not to be "surprised" if they auto-renew.

Health Care Policy and Marketplace Review: The Next Chapter of Obamacare

Hopefully this will answer some of the questions I've seen out here lately.

I think this could be a very good thing for brokers in that so many people who enrolled directly through the FFM may get a huge rate increase (or reduction in coverage) that they will be looking for help after January 1st, particularly in Florida where Blue is raising rates enormously and much of it could be thrown over to the subscriber because the reference Silver plan will probably be either the same (or lower) priced.

People in the subsidy range who get a bill in late December for a premium $100-200 higher than in 2014 (and this could easily happen if their plan goes up 20% while the reference plan stays about the same) are not only going to be pissed but also looking for solutions and it won't be from the same company they had in 2014.