- 4,096
Okay but for what purpose. He says repeatedly that his health plan would be revenue neutral so why would he need to tax soft drinks for that then? Lord knows funds are needed everywhere because we have expenses and porkulus everywhere but we should identify the purpose so that the voter can consider it in that light versus "we won't need to raise taxes for health reform because it will be revenue-neutral but, oh by the way, soft drinks would be a good think to tax." What's wrong with that picture class?quote]
From my experience individual and group underwriting
I feel there is direct correlation between soft drink consumption and Obesity. We Americans need to quit whacking down diet cokes all day long. Like I said before that tax should be a state tax and then each state can determine how much the tax should be.
I do not think this tax should be federal. This tax should not be used to fund any of Bo Bo's programs.