The Sales Appointment Confirmation Form

I said that most of them either have a fax at home (my mom/dad do), or they live close enough to a Kinko's to fax it to me.

If their CPA, Atty, or in my case, Financial Planner, wants to fax it to me on their behalf, they can.

Next, you'll tell me that all the seniors you guys know, don't have cell phones, or need a converter box come Feb. 17th.
I didn't mean to come across as attacking your comment. I was just quite suprised based on my experience dealing with seniors.

Its great that they have that convenience, most of what I have dealt with - just don't.

I plan on writing Zero MA plans for 09, so I'm not very concerned about the form being signed returned etc.
Guys, I think if you refer to the CMS form in its proper nomenclature, it will help. The form is called "SCOPE of Appointment". It serves a dual purpose: It is designed to cover the scope of the plans you intend to discuss. This fulfills the CMS requirement that you not present (cross-sell) other items when at a prospect's location. It also serves to eliminate the aspect of a rude, annoying, unwanted solicitation. By having the prospect sign this form, he/she agrees to speak to you about the items checked on the form.
Yeah, I love doing crap like that because CMS is trying to weed out a small minority of agents.

Not only is CMS adding more and more hoops for us to jump through, but they are also going to limit our commissions.

All this sh*t is not worth the trouble. Can't solicit business, can't meet with prospects or clients without proving they "like" you, can't answer questions unless you have their agreement in advance, and can't get paid for our efforts.

Anyone wonder why I'm bitter?

I wonder if there was a murderer in a room of 500 people, would CMS have everyone killed to make sure that one person doesn't murder again?

The country is changing. You can live in a pollyanna world and believe this is a country of the free and brave, or you can be a realist and see that Bureaucracy by Oligarchs rules here.

Cheer up: You're allowed to pick your local dog catcher at the next election.
Policy Dr. is right. You need to pick your battles.

The reality of it is, if the Senior market was not abused by our industry for the past 25 years, then there would be no need for CMS to over-regulate.

Greensky, I'm sorry you feel the way you do, but that is your decision to work in that segment. Now, I don't know if that is all you do, or if you have other lines you provide.

For myself, this is not my only product line, so therefore, I can bear a bit more "heavy handedness" than you. I'm sure if it were pertaining to another product you don't represent as much as I, the tables would be turned, and I would be enraged.

With health insurance, people hear only what they want to hear, and the second something goes wrong, they turn the story to fit their needs.

Trust me, the form CMS put together could have been worse.
I really don't believe agents have abused the senior insurance business the past 25 years! Of course there have bad bad apples but I don't think it has been the majority.

There are bad apples in everything and every walk of life, how many guaranteed diet plans or pills or products, have you seen in the past 25 years.

Hair growth, stamina, mood enhancing pills all a crock of bull.

How about television evangelist?? I have clients missing meds because every month they send unheard of amounts to various television preachers.

Step in big brother limit these products, tell them how much they can charge or how much they can donate.

Regulate US! Regulate Insurance!

What about regulating everything!!!! 3 brands of jeans, and out of these 3 brands they may charge $6, $14 or $24 depending on the style you prefer. Stores will be required to measure your ass and have you sign the disclosure before the purchase.

Vitamins ha ha, how many millions do your elderly client throw in the garbage purchasing useless vitamins?? regulate them!


Milk is bad for you oops Milk is good for you... Red Meat will kill you Red Meat is good for you...blah blah blah....

Who wants the government controlling them like this??
Wellcare said today that ya don't need the stink'en form for existing clients. They will provide a generic stink'en form "SAC" soon. But, I agree with Bob, it does cover some ills. So, bring it along and file it with the rest of your application.

Isn't SAC a NORAD term :radar:? Guess we are going back to the cold war days.
I have read that it is not needed if it is a reply card. You just have to send in a copy of the reply card with the app.

The reply card is the beneficiary's permission slip to talk to you, or rather you talk to them.

Don't know where you read it but it's wrong, you must get a scope of appointment letter signed and in your hands before the appt. You may call the reply cards to set the appt, but you still have to mail, email or fax the letter before you do so.
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Wellcare said today that ya don't need the stink'en form for existing clients. They will provide a generic stink'en form "SAC" soon. But, I agree with Bob, it does cover some ills. So, bring it along and file it with the rest of your application.

Isn't SAC a NORAD term :radar:? Guess we are going back to the cold war days.

That's why I love wellcare because they never have known what's going on. Yes you do need the scope of appt letter signed for existing clients. It's very easy to replace a wellcare ma also.
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Don't know where you read it but it's wrong, you must get a scope of appointment letter signed and in your hands before the appt. You may call the reply cards to set the appt, but you still have to mail, email or fax the letter before you do so.

According to Pyramid's email to all agents today, he is not wrong;

"CMS now requires all agents to secure a Sales Appointment Confirmation Form from a beneficiary prior to your appointment with the beneficiary in all cases EXCEPT;

1. When you have made an appointment after you have received a Reply Card to a Company approved Medicare Advantage or Medicare Part D Lead Card. In this case, the Reply Card serves as documentation that the beneficiary has requested to be contacted by you and your phone call with the beneficiary setting the appointment does not have to be recorded. You must include a copy of the Reply Card with the enrollment application. ALWAYS KEEP THE ORIGINAL REPLY CARD as part of your permanent records, even if the beneficiary does not enroll."

There are a couple of other exceptions, but, this is the one being discussed here. It does seem that they are instructing agents to violate the privacy act, though.
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That's why I love wellcare because they never have known what's going on. Yes you do need the scope of appt letter signed for existing clients. It's very easy to replace a wellcare ma also.

Somehow my response got put into your message.
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Don't know where you read it but it's wrong, you must get a scope of appointment letter signed and in your hands before the appt. You may call the reply cards to set the appt, but you still have to mail, email or fax the letter before you do so.
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That's why I love wellcare because they never have known what's going on. Yes you do need the scope of appt letter signed for existing clients. It's very easy to replace a wellcare ma also.

It may be easy to replace a Wellcare MA in your area, you won't replace one in weatern Ky or Southern In with what's available here.
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