"These Are My People"..

Please, to the caustic forum trolls - take a strong look in the mirror and ask yourself, "Am I a nut?" Then prove yourself wrong.

There's an arrogance, a dismissive head shake toward the FE market. Top level producers from this forum routinely show their air of superiority as they describe the client base.

Then there are the good spirited folks who say, "these are my people".. They recognize the income level of the customer base and can probably write a few books about their crazy experiences out in the field. Yet - they still say, "These are my people.." --

Two distinctly different mind sets toward the same client base. Curious observation is all..

Please, to the caustic forum trolls - take a strong look in the mirror and ask yourself, "Am I a nut?" Then prove yourself wrong.

There's an arrogance, a dismissive head shake toward the FE market. Top level producers from this forum routinely show their air of superiority as they describe the client base.

Then there are the good spirited folks who say, "these are my people".. They recognize the income level of the customer base and can probably write a few books about their crazy experiences out in the field. Yet - they still say, "These are my people.." --

Two distinctly different mind sets toward the same client base. Curious observation is all..

I'll have my people call your people... Oh! I forgot.. My people done't have cell phones now that Obama is out of office.. :err:
Two distinctly different mind sets toward the same client base. Curious observation is all..


Your observation is an interesting one, and I am sure in one degree or another a valid one...

However; in the course of life, the great equalizer is ever present... whether you end up in a box just down the row from one of your clients, or in the same kind of bookshelf sized container... with or without a life policy... you still end up there.

So what ever the "These are my people..." means to me or you, we are all jsut people.

Now can we can all hold hands and sing "We are the World." (I sing my part best in the shower.)
The Monkey.. He doesn't post anymore. However, don't know how he has been elevated to a battleground. In fact, my reading comprehension must be failing me as I didn't understand any of that post.

I think he was questioning the spelling... Go Illini isn't spelled Giollini :D
Have actually sold "Final Expense " polices in both types of houses... Very few in the nice bricks though..
Maybe I should have said "probably" not my people.;)

In reality, they're all "my people" in some ways. However, the overwhelming majority of my clientele is lower income. One interesting day, I wrote a FE policy in the inner city, then drove over to a college nearby and wrote one of the professors who told me he had $1.2 million in his investments. It's amazing how similar the sales process is, when you get right down to it. It's all about the "why", and filling the need.
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