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The People Quitting Health Insurance For An Alternative Idea
Customers sick of dealing with insurance are turning to health sharing as an alternative

CrowdHealth, which was founded in 2021, offers a new take on an old idea. For decades, religious health-sharing ministries with names like Medi-Share and Samaritan Ministries have asked communities to pitch in for the medical bills of strangers. CrowdHealth has no spiritual affiliation; it's a peer-to-peer financial-technology company that allows its roughly 10,000 paying members to make payments toward fellow members' medical expenses.
To join, members pay an administrative fee of about $55 a month. Each month, they get a message from CrowdHealth informing them that another member needs financial assistance for a specific medical issue. Members can agree to pay their share of the bill, which doesn't exceed $140 per month for a single person under 55, or $420 for a family of four. Or they can decline—at the cost of eroding their rating on CrowdHealth's site, making it less likely that fellow members will contribute to their own needs.
When a member has a health care expense, they're instructed to pay in cash, or tell a hospital that they are a self-pay customer, save the receipts, and submit them to CrowdHealth for compensation. (CrowdHealth sometimes negotiates the price of planned labs or procedures ahead of time.) The company says it covers 99.8% of claims, though it does not specify what exactly is counted in that statistic.