They're Gaming the System Already

That's funny! LMAO

Yup, it's funny all right. The middle class, which most of us belong to and most of us serve, exists because of unions. Paid holidays, benefits, all because of unions.

And the limbaughs and the hannitys and the savages all inflate the cost of unions on costs.

The auto industry couldn't compete with imports because of unions. It couldn't compete because they are having to pay health benefits--which have spiraled out of control--where every other auto producing country has GOVERNMENT PROVIDED HEALTH CARE.

Of course, it's easier to stir up the (uneducated and highly racist) mob by yelling: "UNIONS! LIBERALS! BIG GOVN'MINT! HIGHER TAXES! BIG DEFICITS!"

When all along, the people that the mob supported brought you BIGGER government, HIGHER taxes, BIGGER deficits. Funny how no one complained about this when DUHbya was president, but elect a black man and the Teabag party wants to "take our country back". Your enemy was in the White House w a a a a y before Obama, folks.

Reagan and Bush both talked about smaller government and lowering the deficit, but on their watch the reverse took place. And taxes? "Read my lips: no new taxes!" (and then: NEW TAXES!).

Hey, it wasn't spoken by a liberal...

So keep bashing unions. They'll soon be gone, and companies will go back to their heavy handed ways. They just had a little delay of 70 years. Then you'll probably want to form a union.
In union settings, workers can't advance much or at all on their merits, but must generally progress within the limits defined by union contracts. Employers have trouble weeding out ineffective employees when they belong to unions. Unionized workers become so comfortable and protected that they lose the incentive to work hard. And outstanding employee loses their get-up-and-go if there's no incentive to excel -- or worse, if they're pressured by the union to not go the extra mile.

So yes, the only good union is a dead union.
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"Unionized workers become so comfortable and protected that they lose the incentive to work hard. And outstanding employee loses their get-up-and-go if there's no incentive to excel -- or worse, if they're pressured by the union to not go the extra mile."

Sounds exactly like you're describing MY local post office HERE!
"Unionized workers become so comfortable and protected that they lose the incentive to work hard. And outstanding employee loses their get-up-and-go if there's no incentive to excel -- or worse, if they're pressured by the union to not go the extra mile."

Sounds exactly like you're describing MY local post office HERE!

Or a DMV office anywhere in the country.
I got a call from a former client. The family of four has gone without insurance for 18 months. They've been paying cash for medical services. Hey, there's nothing wrong with paying cash, if they know about the risks of being uninsured. But what galls me is that now the Mom calls and says, "I need health insurance with no pre-ex". Red flag. Seems the 11 year old boy has been having seizures, and they've been paying for the Dr. visits and Rx in cash. But now, the boy's seizures are unusual (one eye stops working during a seizure), so the doctor says they want to hospitalize him and take him off all Rx, so that the hospital staff can witness the seizures and see what's going on. Doctor tells client, "Now is the time to buy health insurance". The client fully realizes that there is no longer a pre-ex clause for kids, and calls me to buy insurance now. The parents are insurable, so some insurance company is going to get stuck with the medical bills for the kid. So far, this is my first "fully informed" person who is clearly gaming the system. These people are buying insurance "on the way to the hospital", and they are fully aware of the new laws regarding no pre-ex for kids. Where does the cost curve end? Will this double our premiums? Triple them?

I just would not take them on as clients and save myself the trouble that will lie ahead for you.