That's funny! LMAO
Yup, it's funny all right. The middle class, which most of us belong to and most of us serve, exists because of unions. Paid holidays, benefits, all because of unions.
And the limbaughs and the hannitys and the savages all inflate the cost of unions on costs.
The auto industry couldn't compete with imports because of unions. It couldn't compete because they are having to pay health benefits--which have spiraled out of control--where every other auto producing country has GOVERNMENT PROVIDED HEALTH CARE.
Of course, it's easier to stir up the (uneducated and highly racist) mob by yelling: "UNIONS! LIBERALS! BIG GOVN'MINT! HIGHER TAXES! BIG DEFICITS!"
When all along, the people that the mob supported brought you BIGGER government, HIGHER taxes, BIGGER deficits. Funny how no one complained about this when DUHbya was president, but elect a black man and the Teabag party wants to "take our country back". Your enemy was in the White House w a a a a y before Obama, folks.
Reagan and Bush both talked about smaller government and lowering the deficit, but on their watch the reverse took place. And taxes? "Read my lips: no new taxes!" (and then: NEW TAXES!).
Hey, it wasn't spoken by a liberal...
So keep bashing unions. They'll soon be gone, and companies will go back to their heavy handed ways. They just had a little delay of 70 years. Then you'll probably want to form a union.