New Member
Now before when I sold, I hated leads, the cost of them, never having enough, and now that I am back in the business I am feeling the same way. Before I started my own direct marketing campagne so save money on leads. I was thinking about doing that again since it didnt work out that bad, but then I started thinking that everybody hates leads and has horror stories about their companies they get leads from.
So I was thinking, im an honest guy, I wouldnt do these people wrong like these companies seem to always do, why cant I generate leads on a larger scale and sell them at a fair price, and if I do people right they will do me right by purchasing more and more. So in my mind it loos like a win win for everybody if I could do this.
So here is the problem, im not sure how to do it on a large scale at a cost efficient way.
I was thinking using a direct mailer company to generate the leads based on what people want, then process them from there. Im not sure if thats how this works though.
This is just a thought that has the gears turning a little bit so if anybody has any suggestions then please and thank you
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Let me expand on this by asking, what would you like in a lead company. What problems do you have with your current company that you would want to see different in a new start up company if you were going to consider it. My gears are turning on this today so any thought you can give me would be more then appreciated.
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Again another question. Would people like to order say, 1000 direct letters sent to a targeted demographic with either a template or their own wording for a flat rate and all the leads generated from that be their own "exclusive leads"? The leads could either be scanned and emailed to the agent or have their address on it so that it came straight to them which ensures the exclusivness of the lead and the knowledge that it is a TRUE hot lead.
The solution is to implement a system that is a combination of SEO and social media and leads the prospect to a unique sales funnel that is not just a form. This leads to highly targeted, highly convertible leads that the leads seller can make a nice ROI and the agent can buy at a reasonable price with a low CPA.
Contact me to learn more. Anyone thinking os starting a lead generation company or wishing to make their existing company more efficient---please get in touch.