This Accident a Minor or Major Issue?


New Member
Okay I have either a big problem or a minor one. I was working at Dominos as a delivery driver and I was parked in front of a car, I backed up to leave the parking and the car behind me started honking so I got out my car and there was like 6 inches of space and the lady is saying I hit the car because there is a scratch on it, but there isn't a scratch on mine. My father is a professional mechanic so I exchanged insurance information anyways and told her my dad can look at it so I told my father and he said there's suppose to be trade paint on both cars and he looked at mine and there was nothing.

Today the people showed up and the marks extend to the side of the car bumper not where it would make sense if I actually did hit it, and my dad said the marks on their car isn't even fresh and there's none of our paint on their car, just white marks. (this was 2 days after the incident) He assumed that I said my father would fix it when I didn't, I said he'll look at it, and after that and some arguing today he said he's going to the police department (there was no police involved the day of the incident) and five minutes within following him to the police department he pulled over and said never mind he's going to talk to his insurance agency first.

I took pictures of both cars (2 days after when he arrived to see my dad) and nothing adds up. I am unsure what to do next, do I take the pictures to my insurance agency? Ugh honestly this isn't even worth all this stress, whatever was on their bumper is like going to the emergency room for a paper cut -_- please help guys and thanks
The police wouldnt have shown up for a minor accident on private property anyway.

Call your insurance company and let them handle it, as soon as they inspect her car, they can tell if it is oldor new damage, especially by rust and fading, etc, the other person will change her tune when they mention insurance fraud. Make sure the adjuster knows your story and pictures and ALL details before they go see her car....

If what you say is true, I would think this lady will fade into the sunset rather quickly.....

Remember, people do this as scams everyday, get you to pay something out of your pocket so you dont file a claim.....
Thank you for an informative response, I will be heading to the insurance agency myself first thing tomorrow morning with the pictures and their information.
Problem you might run into is most carriers exclude usage as a pizza driver, so if you mention that part, you won't have any coverage.

In answer to your question, its minor damage, nobody got hurt, its a minor issue, at least in the way I look at it.

Problem you might run into is most carriers exclude usage as a pizza driver, so if you mention that part, you won't have any coverage.

In answer to your question, its minor damage, nobody got hurt, its a minor issue, at least in the way I look at it.


Well I guess one thing is looking up, I wasn't on the clock when this happened, I was getting ready to go home so I'm glad about that part!
I'd contact the other driver and inform her that if you so much as ever see her, or hear from her again, you'll file a police report for attempted insurance fraud.

Scum bags such as her are one of the major causes of increased rates for everyone.

So guys what do you think? Its been two days, no word from the scammers and no calls from their or my insurance agency. I should have heard something by now right? I'm hoping its been dropped! I just wanna stop stressing lol