This or that ?


Hey fellows,
I read a different reactions & opinions about upcoming reform.
Could New agent be able to sink or swim with Obama-care ?
How about joining an agency as a sub producer & focus on supplement products ?
Forgive me if it sounds silly...:idea:
Anything is possible. A new agent could sink or swim. They could join an agency, be a sub producer, and focus on supps. They could start their own agency. They could telemarket, or solicit at gas stations, or open a booth in the local mall. They could purchase TV Air time and make a kick ass commercial, or even get their own radio show and educate the masses. They could start a website, hire college undergrads to prospect their friends, or even start networking at the golf course.

We won't know what works until it's been done. Go try something and tell us how it works.

Ever hear of a pet rock? Everyone thinks something won't work, until it does.
Thanks Ray for input.
I am sharpening my selling skills.
Feel like..It's more about educationg rather then selling...