Tip: A 25.2% response on direct mail

I had solid appoints booked for the next 3 1/2 months and ended up with around 3.5million in assets for investments and 87K annual premium in Life and DI. Now granted this was not a cheap shindig...The total cost for mailiers, postage, Lotto, Meeting Room, Meal, and Cocktail hour tab was.......Drum Roll Please.......$5,234.53.

I don't know what you made off the assets, but that is a nice gross return at 16:1.

Love the lottery ticket idea.
I made an average 3.5% with a 80% payout structure of GDC(gross dealer consessions)....or in non investment payout speak...$98K plus I made a heafty penney on the Life and DI. This was the year before I decided to start a fee and commission based hybrid platform.
I made an average 3.5% with a 80% payout structure of GDC(gross dealer consessions)....or in non investment payout speak...$98K plus I made a heafty penney on the Life and DI. This was the year before I decided to start a fee and commission based hybrid platform.

If that is the case, what stopped you from doing these seminars every 2-3 months? How do I get on the list? And what is on the menu?

I prefer Filet Mignon (medium rare), Lobster, asparagus with a nice hollandaise sauce, mashed potatoes (garlic is fine) and any red wine from Australia.
I still do the seminars just I find it is more intimate for a client to bring a friend or referral. Its a little more personal that way and has really increased the clients that I get out of the meeting over just sending out the invites. The same concept is still used. I have the client give out the Lotto ticket with the sticky note with all of the info. They show up with someone they trust, get some great info, great meal, and have a nice social meet and greet after. I have had client say they look forward to the annual seminar because they have actually gotten business relationships out of it also. I also have a larger crowd now that I use this format.
That is a very high response ratio. I like the idea but doubt it works in all areas. I will keep in mind for my next marketing campaign.