In Sept we had a house fire the insurance declared it a total loss. I am insured for $126,000 with guaranteed replacement cost bringing it up to about $150,00. I am under insured and this is my fault I should have been paying closer attention to the amounts I was insured for. At the highest amount that I can receive I cannot rebuild in my area for this amount. My question is can I (legally) get the insurance to just cut me a check for the $150,000 and rebuild something, even a modular home? I have a couple of bids to rebuild and they both exceed the max amount that I am insured for. Plus the demolition comes out of the amount paid for the structure. The adjuster is not very forthcoming with answers. He only answers emails and no matter how many questions you ask in an email he only answers one of them. They have paid the first round of contents and have paid loss of use claims. They were even here the day after the fire with a $4,000 check (against the contents). I cannot get a straight answer from ANYBODY about how the structure is paid. If I do not do something soon I will have to wait until spring to rebuild. Thanks for any help you can give me!