Trump’s DOJ Takes Surprising Stance on Agent and Broker Payments in MA

Oh fun! here we go again with the delusional hysteria.


As someone wise mentioned in here a few weeks ago, the worst we have seen in this biz came from the dem side. Yes, I'm referring to Obamacare. I don't care what the naysayers say (oh but but but now everyone can get insurance because it's GI for everyone, as if that's true). Dems are demolishers of anything decent for Americans.

Obamacare is not that different than MAPD.

It just uses income based subsidies instead of blanket subsidies.

In that regard, Obamacare is actually more in line with conservative principles vs. MAPD.

Why give huge tax subsidies to anyone and everyone???

DOGE to the rescue!!
What you know . Looks like Trump turned on all his maga boys . If someone's cutting costs there obviously looking at commissions and overrides .
What you know . Looks like Trump turned on all his maga boys . If someone's cutting costs there obviously looking at commissions and overrides .
What agents fail to realize is Trump and Elon don't care about working class people. The reason why everyone made out like bandits during the first Trump admin was because of Covid. We had year round OE for MAPD, and the best part was the companies were getting so much freaking money for Covid. Also seniors had to push back all elective surgeries and even some life saving ones because Hospitals were basically closed to anyone non Covid. So insurance companies saw virtually no claims and were getting paid more from the Gubment. Agents making bank had zero to do with Trump and all to do with Covid. Trump is here to finish us, not to rescue.
What agents fail to realize is Trump and Elon don't care about working class people. The reason why everyone made out like bandits during the first Trump admin was because of Covid. We had year round OE for MAPD, and the best part was the companies were getting so much freaking money for Covid. Also seniors had to push back all elective surgeries and even some life saving ones because Hospitals were basically closed to anyone non Covid. So insurance companies saw virtually no claims and were getting paid more from the Gubment. Agents making bank had zero to do with Trump and all to do with Covid. Trump is here to finish us, not to rescue.

.when president musk gained control of Twitter he gutted it and turned it into a loser of a business and now that he has gained controlled of the US i think we know how this is going end for everybody except the ultra rich.
What agents fail to realize is Trump and Elon don't care about working class people. The reason why everyone made out like bandits during the first Trump admin was because of Covid. We had year round OE for MAPD, and the best part was the companies were getting so much freaking money for Covid. Also seniors had to push back all elective surgeries and even some life saving ones because Hospitals were basically closed to anyone non Covid. So insurance companies saw virtually no claims and were getting paid more from the Gubment. Agents making bank had zero to do with Trump and all to do with Covid. Trump is here to finish us, not to rescue.

.when president musk gained control of Twitter he gutted it and turned it into a loser of a business and now that he has gained controlled of the US i think we know how this is going end for everybody except the ultra rich.
Agents gave confused dr oz likes mapd with he's going to love agents. It appears Trumps team is taking over and continuing the lawsuit against fmo comp and marketing money .doge is taking an ax to so many industries and people . To think they won't blink and eye cutting agent comp or Eliminating overrides is delusional
Remember is 2008 when the private sector when belly up? During that time a massive amount of people went to work for the public sector. The economy is gonna crash bad under Trump. Then all public and private sector jobs will be gone. So guess who is gonna step up? All these AI, tech, companies to replace the workforce.
I'm right here. This article is Key words...."may signal." This woman is a nobody who is pulling bullsh*t from out of her anal cavity. Please outline the exact bad part about this? I'll wait.

"Regulate" does not mean "cut." He isn't proposing broker cuts....they are saying they simply want to be the only ones to call the shots, as was how it always was, until Biden and his merry band of morons messed it all up and got sued and neutered by brokers/FMO's.

This mini-nothing article is complete speculation as to what SHE thinks will happen. Of course Trump is going to want to have CMS be the ones to oversee what goes on in the program, without outside interference. F'ing duh.

In 2024, BIDEN'S CMS finalized rules capping broker compensation in Medicare Advantage plans, which led to lawsuits from brokers and distributors arguing that the rules were arbitrary and capricious, exceeding CMS's authority, and violating the Administrative Procedure Act.

All Trump is doing is trying to take that control back, seeing as how adults are back in charge and his administration will be able to regulate it with actual brains and common sense, and not extreme radicalism from the marxist left.

Call me when something actually happens. Swing and a miss from the liberals, as per usual.

So this was all made-up bullshit…