Trump still doesn't have a plan to replace Obamacare

The President of the United States forgot about the hurricane a day after. He freezes halfway through a sentence. Can't read a teleprompter without reading the action phrases like 'pause'. Sundowner's at 3PM. Had to be taken off of the campaign. Should have been article 25'd. Dragging us into multiple Wars he won't be here to fight or finish.

never mind, OK, you are right. He is 10X10.

So what it's still not nearly as bad as purposely making the situation worst for political gain.
dan dan types a lot of words but backs nothing up with any substance.. he's like a walking talking fox news comment section.
A typical MAGA-Trumper who only see's headlines without doing any research of his own. In the last week, the amount of MAGA tweets and interviews suggesting if Trump loses it's because it was stolen (again) leads to the conclusion that they anticipate another loss and are already preparing excuses. And some of the sheep are buying it.
We’re still waiting on Trumps healthcare plan. For Mexico to pay for the wall. He promised us.