Trump still doesn't have a plan to replace Obamacare

How typically Racist of you. Absolutely follows your trend.

Poor ignorant brown people don't know know what they need or should think. Stupid Peones, need to stay on the Hacienda.

Kinda sounds like Obama chastising young Black men not knowing their place.

You are what you are. Not what you think you are.
Racist are you.
So are you saying the majority of registered Amish are not voting Trump?
Or doing your normal deflection?

I'm saying that so few Amish are registered to vote that it doesn't matter. The majority of Amish are not registered to vote as voting is itself frowned upon by the vast majority of Amish.
You throw a slur at me, qualify it.

The only ones on this forum throwing slurs are you and goillini.
Goillini doesn't even pretend to value facts. He's become incapable of anything but insults and emojis.

You at least pretend to know what's going on. But since you swallow the right wing line hook, line, and sinker with no thought given to it at all you too find yourself resorting to throwing insults when backed into a corner.

If rape, fraud, and misogyny isn't enough to move you off of Trump that says a lot more about you than you know. If you'd rather vote for a fascist like Trump merely because he's a white man, that says more about you than you'll likely ever be able to reflect upon and admit.

You're the one who wants to throw around the racist label. You're the one with an obvious chip on your should for some reason.

I'm only still here because I think it is important for me to do what little I can to warn beforehand of the fact that Harris is going to win much bigger than any MAGA at this point will be able to see (other than the MAGA powers-that-be inside the RNC and the Trump campaign - they KNOW they are going down bigly). They want you to believe it is close so that when Trump loses, y'all climb into your pick ups with your AR 15's and you strom the capital, leaving nothing but bodies and taking no prisoners.
Dumb it down for me.

Have you bothered to read any of the material I've posted?

Question -

How many of you are going to leave the country if Trump wins?

How many are going to leave the country if Harris wins?

lol dude, Trump isn't going to win. He's already lost and he himself knows it. He's dropping clues all over the place showing he knows that he isn't going back to the White House by winning the election.