Trump still doesn't have a plan to replace Obamacare

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Typical of you wino. Instead of taking 7 minutes to watch and give it some thought, you do a goillini and throw an emoticon reaction instead.
I've seen it a couple of times.

I have also read Mein Kampf and Rise and fall of the third Reich. I forget the coliseum where he had Kettle drums surrounding it, kept the crowd waiting and waiting, cut the lights, them Boom, Boom Boom, louder and louder from the huge Kettle drums. Louder and Louder Boom Boom Boom. They spotlights come on to center stage with Hitler in uniform doing the SigHiel. The crowd goes crazy.
Hitler was evil. And like a lot ot evil people in history, very smart.

"If you know your enemies and know yourself, your victories are not in doubt" Sun Tzu The Art Of War (I think) Holds true in sales also.

Zero relevance to anything we are talking about.

What are you wanting me to say?
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I've seen it a couple of times.

I have also read Mein Kampf and Rise and fall of the third Reich. I forget the coliseum where he had Kettle drums surrounding it, kept the crowd waiting and waiting, cut the lights, them Boom, Boom Boom, louder and louder from the huge Kettle drums. Louder and Louder Boom Boom Boom. They spotlights come on to center stage with Hitler in uniform doing the SigHiel. The crowd goes crazy.
Hitler was evil. And like a lot ot evil people in history, very smart.

"If you know your enemies and know yourself, your victories are not in doubt" Sun Tzu The Art Of War (I think) Holds true in sales also.

Zero relevance to anything we are talking about.

What are you wanting me to say?
All that's missing for you to see it is a tiny black moustache on the orange man's face. Until then, stay blind.
1 hour ago - Thousands descended on Madison Square Garden on Sunday for former President Donald

Trump's campaign rally. Amazing!