Trump still doesn't have a plan to replace Obamacare

271, 51, and 218 are the only numbers that matter right now.

America always corrects it's mistakes. Now you may understand what a silent majority is.

If riots start, after a majority vote with a mandate, then libs have some splainin' to do.
Trump also won the Popular vote. A clean sweep. The good guys won.
Now everyone knows who Faux news is and it is not Fox, you liberals have listened to nothing but lies for several years now and were to ignorant to realize it.
Thankfully a lot of us can all breathe and sleep a lot easier now. Medicare will be IMMENSELY strengthened again!!!! Benefits will get much better. The companies will have a ton of confidence in the plans again!!!

no doubt his win is good for us agents dealing with MA and ACA etc ,garbage men and for the Idiocracy of Amurika in general