My dilema is they have expressed some discomfort with their current deductible, but also need something to lock rates in... That is my reasoning for looking at the MaxPlan with individual deductibles that are lower... If Assurant offered a 3 year lock on a $5000 one deductible plan I would do that... And also, lowering premium isnt' as important as assuring it won't increase further.
It sounds like they want to lower their premium, deductible and OOPM exposure. It seems like the plan you pick will do that and then some because you built in Accident Protection! You get to play around with those numbers but they are going to have to sacrifice something.
An individual needs a minimum $3500 to lock the rate in for 36 months.....X 2 for a family would be $7000, but Assurant only offers $7500.
"Would you rather have 20% increases every year on average or lock in you rate for 3 years saving yourself X amount of dollars?????"
"What happens after the 3 year mark?"
"I have no idea because if I did know that I would quit selling insurance right after we get off the phone and I would become a stock broker tomorrow, so I could retire in the next 2 years based on my ability to pinpoint future calculations. I would expect to beat Warren Buffett in 5 years if that was the case

This is where the services part comes in where you guarantee that you will look at their options every year to see if their is a better deal at the time.
You are already saving them money on their premium, reducing their OOPM exposure by $2500 not counting copays or however that particular plans works.....AND in the event the crap hits the fan and they get in an accident they only owe $100. If they cannot see the value in that you are dealing with stupid people and should move on.