TWFG-The Woodlands Financial Group?


Talk about over saturation when it comes to Farmers. LOL. For me, I'm not a complete newbie but I'm starting over with nothing, not a single customer ready to buy from me so it's a little nerve racking.

Just remember to go over what TWFG's requirement such as upfront fees, office, etc. From what I gather so far, there are a few clusters out there, just harder to get in, many of them require you to have a stable book before they let you in.
I've been in the P&C industry for 15 yrs (working for captive agents the whole time) and have a ton of knowledge of the industry. My father has been a Nationwide agent for almost 40 yrs and he says captive is the way to go, unless you have alot of capital. My natural market is huge from the places I have been so getting customers shouldn't be a problem for me, unless the rates are WAY out of wack.....which I wonder how I can really find out. Maybe I should go online and get some quotes for some of my customers I have now. I actually have my final interview with Farmers tommorrow morning at 9am. Fired up!!! I think I'm gonna at least check it out. You can opt out at any time and TWFG will be my next stop. Pray for me guys!!!! :) thx for all the input.

Btw, I'm in Maryland and Farmers has only real been in this area for a yr so rates might be different here? Who knows.

With your experience, you should be able to ace through Farmers interview with ease and get a contract offer..

I wish I knew what rates are like there. I hope it's more competitive there. It wouldn't hurt to get a few quotes from Farmers just to compare rates before jumping both feet in.
Troll.....Pretty lame to go bashing a company or person and not provide and supporting evidence.

To anyone who has used them, what kind of buy out clause do they have?

I have been captive for 20 years, how many appointments could I expect within a couple of months of contracting?