New Member
Regarding U/W or Risk Surveys, do agents ever take it upon themselves to have these or other type condition checks done on either new business or renewals? It is my understanding that carriers hire firms to do these sorts of surveys or inspections en masse. I am just curious of individual agents or agencies ever handle or procure these on their own.
Full disclosure, I am licensed in Louisiana both as a home inspector and as an insurance adjuster, with over 10 years' experience. Having done such U/W work for larger national firms, I can attest that in most cases, individuals are paid paltry fees to field-inspect properties and make recommendations that often result in significant repair costs to the respective policyholders...all with absolutely no quantifiable experience or certification. My state board of home inspectors in Louisiana is pushing for legislation requiring carriers/underwriters to use either licensed insurance agents/adjusters or home inspectors to complete these types of inspections. Cannot tell you how many letters I write on behalf of my home inspection clients to help them defend against some drive-by recommendation that could cost them hundreds or thousands of dollars unnecessarily.
Full disclosure, I am licensed in Louisiana both as a home inspector and as an insurance adjuster, with over 10 years' experience. Having done such U/W work for larger national firms, I can attest that in most cases, individuals are paid paltry fees to field-inspect properties and make recommendations that often result in significant repair costs to the respective policyholders...all with absolutely no quantifiable experience or certification. My state board of home inspectors in Louisiana is pushing for legislation requiring carriers/underwriters to use either licensed insurance agents/adjusters or home inspectors to complete these types of inspections. Cannot tell you how many letters I write on behalf of my home inspection clients to help them defend against some drive-by recommendation that could cost them hundreds or thousands of dollars unnecessarily.