Union National


100+ Post Club
I recently moved to Louisiana and I'm starting to get a feel for it. There is one Parish I have worked a couple of times now and I just can't get any traction. Seems like everybody I see has a sizable Union National policy that's pretty old. My closing ratio drops like a rock when I work here. Any suggestions beyond don't work there?

It's crazy but it seems like every small town in Louisiana has its own mom and pop life insurance company. Dixie life as an example. Never ran into that in Tennessee.
I can relate to this frustration from when I was selling fe... Toranga, you are correct in south MS and Louisiana, Union National is still huge... Their headquarters are in Baton Rouge...

I recently moved to Louisiana and I'm starting to get a feel for it. There is one Parish I have worked a couple of times now and I just can't get any traction. Seems like everybody I see has a sizable Union National policy that's pretty old. My closing ratio drops like a rock when I work here. Any suggestions beyond don't work there?

It's crazy but it seems like every small town in Louisiana has its own mom and pop life insurance company. Dixie life as an example. Never ran into that in Tennessee.
I can tell you a lot about Union National. They are under Kemper. Mutual savings, reliable, United, and others are all under Kemper and they are all over. Not just la and ms. Their policies are high. Best thing to do is find the customers newest policies and replace them. It's a debit organization so agents only make it by adding adding adding. You can find a lot of them you can replace but some of them no one can replace. They are deep in the union National Kool aid.
How do you mean that?

Sometimes small regional companies are in a world of their own. Rates way too low. Underwriting way too loose. Free lead program. Orphan policy holders. Same rates for smokers. Anything could turn up.

If you find anything real good, sign up and keep it your little secret and sell the fire out of it.

I found a nugget a few years ago and made the mistake of signing up a couple of dozen agents to them. Scared them to death. They had never seen that volume of business before and pulled the product.