United Healthcare

Well, with respect to the complete, total and absolute IDIOTS I worked with for medicare stuff, I'm not surprised. They would be better suited for a different line of work!
Mr. Bill I am about to a point where I will say I agree with you 100%. At first was new to the biz and did not know any better, but I see it all clearly now. I am sooo ready to get going on individual ins. and not be captive with them!!
Michelle, I remember you thinking they were pretty okay to work with. In a way, I DON'T hope they get their act together. Time has told for both of us!
You are correct, I did think so at first. Compared to Healthspring of Alabama (our main competitor and where I came from) they were totally different. I got leads through the CRM, I received a lot more support, etc.

Then it all went downhill from there. They implemented the telesales and DSU system. I would get leads through the CRM actual appointments, I would get there to find out that telesales had enrolled them already, but they were never in the correct plan. They would enroll someone on medicaid into the MAPD versus our SNP for dual eligible . You know how important the "area" is to which adv. plan you choose, so I do not understand how they allow UNEDUCATED people to do that.

Pay is constantly hung up in a computer glitch all the time, remember we are captive and have no ind. ins. contracts in place yet, so this was our only source of income, so that was a huge nuisance.

There is a broker referral program which I had two brokers working strictly for me that would call and set appointments. Well we almost lost that. They tried to take it away from us and make it to where they would only pay the referral broker money if the sale was done by an ISR because they ISR's they have now can't sale. Everyone screamed and they were about to lose their top salesmen so they scrapped that idea (for now at least).

I no longer receive leads in the CRM, oh wait a minute I remember I did get a bunch of leads from a call list and for some reason the next day they changed them to Lost Do Not Contact and said they were on the DNC list.

I went through and reopened some that I had pending appointments with. I sold them and went to close them in the system, guess what.....they were already closed AGAIN and marked with Lost Do Not Contact and DNC, WTF???????

One agent had meetings set up with a contact she knew. She held a few meetings there and was doing good. Well they then tell her that she could not go to the meeting that an ISR was going to do it.

Oh and did I mention, they have a hard time keeping their system up and running for pay.

Oh yea I am fighting with them over my bonus right now. I signed and uploaded an application the last day of the running for bonus. Now they are telling me she signed later then that and was not effective until the next month. Ha, so I did not get my bonus. I am still in the middle of that. I emailed them telling them I was on the phone with DSU for 2 days trying to figure out why my client was not enrolled, etc. Also I emailed them a copy of my computer screen showing the confirmation number I have from the e-enroll.

So yes, I see now how it is with them. Being captive I got my feet wet, I got my experience and I am about to be OUT!!

I am getting my contract right now to see if there will be a hold on me selling with anyone else. Does anyone know how they handle this or where in my contract that would be located (yes when I was knew and before I found this forum I did not know to read through contracts so diligently either).
Wow, what a nightmare. I know of someone who was still "in the system" as an ICA, whose leads (many of whom she had been in touch with but could not enroll because it was too early in the process) were suddenly gone - whiz bang overnight gone! They had all been transferred over to the Telesales dept. No warning, nothing.

I hope you get all the money that is due you. Me, I cut them off immediately once I saw what they were capable of doing (and did to me).
I learned (a little too late for some) that if you want to keep a lead in that system to close that lead, if you close a lead it will not get swept away.

I also figured out how to export every lead under your name, there is a certain thing you check and it will export rows and rows of categories you can't see on the screen. It is interesting to see how many have been raised from the dead to be an open new lead, ha ha.

Telesales may be able to get some on the phone sooner, but that is their job to stay on the phone non stop so yea they will get enrollees quicker, but I would love to see the retention rates of those enrolled by telesales when they put them in copay plans when they qualify for a $0 copay plan, ha our competitor would love to run across those clients, not only does the person automatically enroll, but they become another dissatisfied person who spreads the word.

The market I work got a bad taste for Secure Horizons / Medicare Complete years ago, the last 2 or 3 years it was getting better and the word on the "streets" was not as bad, but from what I can see it will not be too much longer before the word is bad again and that is a shame because the plan is not that bad at all. The coverage is not the issue here, the problem is with the way the company as a whole is ran, etc.

This is horrible to be saying all of this about a company I work for, but it is the truth and will just have to suck it up and deal with it until I get out of the contract.
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Well, with respect to the complete, total and absolute IDIOTS I worked with for medicare stuff, I'm not surprised. They would be better suited for a different line of work!

Well, now see, you guys are beginning to come around now. In an earlier thread, I stated vehemently that they were the worst company that I have dealt with. The medicare folks are just totally, totally, incompentent and where they do have an answer, it is wrong almost 100% of the time. They are just a total frigging nightmare. At the time of those posts, I got all of these horsefeather replies back about how every company has problems, and probably I just spoke to the wrong person here or there and if you call back and get someone else it is all different. WRONGO! Gimme a break. I have dealt with many, many carriers for years and UHC is crap.

Wow, what a nightmare. I know of someone who was still "in the system" as an ICA, whose leads (many of whom she had been in touch with but could not enroll because it was too early in the process) were suddenly gone - whiz bang overnight gone! They had all been transferred over to the Telesales dept. No warning, nothing.

I hope you get all the money that is due you. Me, I cut them off immediately once I saw what they were capable of doing (and did to me).

They stiffed me on a bunch of med supp sales too (don't even get me started on the MA piece). They just gave me renewal commissions because the clients already had a supp. I told them that this was a crock. They have to compensate me according to the contract unless state law prohibits and I am not in a state where you are limited to renewal commissions when doing a replacement. Got nowhere. Callng the DSU is a total waste and you are shuffled around and forwarded to people who know less than the last one you spoke with. No ability to understand anything with legal implications or contracts or anything. Bottom line, is that months later I got a check in the mail for the amount that I had been stiffed because apparently someone had worked it harder and more legally than I had and they had to go back and compensate all of the agents who had been stiffed. But who has time and energy for that crap.

I am getting my contract right now to see if there will be a hold on me selling with anyone else. Does anyone know how they handle this or where in my contract that would be located (yes when I was knew and before I found this forum I did not know to read through contracts so diligently either).

What do you mean by "selling." Do you mean continuing to sell secure horizons but through an FMO rather than as an ICA or going to a new carrier?
