Universal health? Dead as a nail

Universal health? Dead as a nail

Well, if someone will point me to the grave, I'll dance on it!:D

Shouldn't we have a Party, oh I mean a Wake or something?
We are? How? They pay us no benefits. They pay no taxes on us. They don't have to pay WC or SDI on us. Our commissions are low. We are easily the cheapest distribution and sales channel they could ever hope for.

I agree, agents agree.

Go sit in on some private meetings and try to spin what you just posted.
For any of us who were even remotely worried about universal health - don't. It's shaping up to be McCain as the Rep and he's for expanding the competitive market and Billary has all but dropped it to be little more than a footnote in her campaign.


I don't see the risk that Obama could be elected factored in here. He could beat McCain easily or at least quite possibly. In addition, I have not seen the silghtest retreat by Hillary from the health care issue. It is a drum she beats hard and everywhere.

The issue is here to stay, bigtime.

I am not 100% sure that McCain { or anybody} could get in there and be conservative. Something about getting in that office and they all go nuts and start spending like a drunken sailor or something. He will probably start expanding government healthcare , like Bush did. Somehow. Even if it's medicare to appease the voters- who actually vote. CHIP because it's for the kids. Illegally in this country? No problem, we are a great country. We can afford it. Expand and expand, tax and tax. This country is totally out of control.