Universal Truths on HR and Benefit Managers


Here are the universal truths. Try to go against these rules is like saying you are going to play in the NBA this year because gravity no longer applies to you.

  1. HR and Benefit Managers (HRBEN) are, above all else, out to protect their own jobs. You know the old risk / reward where people would gamble $5 for a 50% chance to win $10. If their job is a dollar in this example, they won't gamble 1 to have a 50% to win $1,000 for their company.
  2. With HRBEN, Their own skin is placed way in front of doing the right thing for their organizations.
  3. Thus they will make safe decisions, where if there is a backfire or blow up, they will be able to save their own skin. This is why name brands are chose over other alternatives that are better, but not as accepted. (The first guy that bought a Hundai in the U.S. 15 years ago had balls.. these people don't. They may buy Hundai now because they have proved themselves over the past 15 years.)
  4. They feel overworked, and if the situation is not a crisis, they won't see the need.
  5. They are box thinkers. Anything outside the box, no matter how good the product won't get play.
  6. If you sell something to them, there is no need to sell the low price if you sell the large, safe, leading companies.
Why do they act this way?

  1. If they make a decision that blows up, they may lose their job
  2. If they make a decision or purchase that is good, others (higher up) will steal the credit.
  3. If they do nothing, they collect a paycheck (bingo!! I will stay right here).

How long did it take you to learn this?

I have been in situations where the HR person made decisions solely on how it would effect their situation.

I have lost deals because HR felt threatened by my relationship with the owner.

Its tough but its the nature of the beast.