Usage of quote software.

Steven P

New Member
Thinking about using a quote software, to send to prospects, never used any of these tools before.

How many companies do you quote on a typical interaction? I have heard of people doing 100+ in order to prevent prospect from "shopping" them as an excuse. If so, do you actually contract with that many? Seems very excessive, or do you just steer them to the companies you like the most and write? Speaking mostly of term. Thnaks for advice and feedback.
Thinking about using a quote software, to send to prospects, never used any of these tools before.

How many companies do you quote on a typical interaction? I have heard of people doing 100+ in order to prevent prospect from "shopping" them as an excuse. If so, do you actually contract with that many? Seems very excessive, or do you just steer them to the companies you like the most and write? Speaking mostly of term. Thnaks for advice and feedback.

I do not send quote engines to clients. So I can not say which is best. Seems like that would take me out of the equation.

However, the two that I am aware of that may do what you want are:

Compulife. Back when I used them they had just about any term and GUL product out there. They had loaded FE plans that I asked for as well. I have not used them in a few years so YMMV. Bob used to give you a free trial.

Ninja Quoter. I tried the trail back when they first came out but it was not really geared for what I needed, but sound like what you are asking. The guys over at Digital Brokerage use them. Web-based.

I believe both will let you filter for the companies you use.

Contact them both and see which one you prefer.
Compulife. Back when I used them they had just about any term and GUL product out there. They had loaded FE plans that I asked for as well. I have not used them in a few years so YMMV. Bob used to give you a free trial.

We still give a FREE trial and if you do a tutorial to prove you have learned one of the most important functions in the software, you get a 4 month free subscription that includes:

1. Windows PC software (our most powerful quoting tool)

2. Compulife Basic, a web based quoter for the agent that runs on ANY device that has a browser.

NOTE: Both 1 and 2 now offer our new Table Rating quoter.

3. Compulife Web quotes allowing you to put a quoter on your website

4. 3 free zip code listings

No independent quoting tool has more companies or more products than Compulife. We have no connection to the sale of insurance; term4sale being the closest. But we send consumers to our agent subscribers to buy life insurance and we take no cut of commissions.

So here's the best part. Because WinoBlues brought it up, I will consider anyone who says he referred them to us, as a referral which qualifies for 6 free months of service (they must do the tutorial; takes 10 minutes) instead of the usual 4.

Further, I will give WinoBlues a 6 month free subscription for every person who does that tutorial and says they were referred by him; those 6 month FREE subscriptions can be accumulated. So get a dozen people to do the tutorial and each one will get 6 free months and WinoBlues gets Compulife free for 6 years.

And finally, you don't have to speculate about how quotes will work on your website, do it for 6 months for free and see how it works. If it doesn't make you any money, I wouldn't buy it anyway. But after 37 years of doing this, and over 3,000 subscribers, something must be working.
So here's the best part. Because WinoBlues brought it up, I will consider anyone who says he referred them to us, as a referral which qualifies for 6 free months of service (they must do the tutorial; takes 10 minutes) instead of the usual 4.

:twitchy: OK, I left something out before. Marketing, you are very good at marketing.

It is a good product.