Medicare Claim Reporting to Milliman


GA Medicare Expert
5000 Post Club
Milliman collects data on drug claims as well as health insurance claims processed by carriers. But AFAIK, Medicare (which is not an insurance company) does not report claims to any outside data warehouses, including Milliman.

Can anyone confirm this or not?

Having trouble with an underwritten Medigap app and Milliman is the fly in the ointment.
Milliman collects data on drug claims as well as health insurance claims processed by carriers. But AFAIK, Medicare (which is not an insurance company) does not report claims to any outside data warehouses, including Milliman.

Can anyone confirm this or not?

Having trouble with an underwritten Medigap app and Milliman is the fly in the ointment.
I don't know if you've seen a Milliman report lately but they have a crazy amount of information on them. I have one right now on a client that's over 30 pages long in single-spaced, small font.

I routinely have clients order them if they've been previously declined for life/DI and I am frankly shocked with the amount of information that's in there.

It's not just claims. It's scrips and doctor's notes. Literally everything that you can imagine outside of a full APS.

No idea how supps underwrite but if they have the Milliman report, it has a ton of info. Ask the client to order it themselves and get a copy so that you can figure out what's up.

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