Using the internet to Sell......

A LOT (if not most) of these tools install java, activex or a certain type of browser plug-in

These programs can run afoul of firewalls and AV programs, especially in Vista which seems to want to block everything.

The nice thing about using Quotit (or Norvax) to illustrate your proposal is you can walk your client thru the presentation without asking them to surrender control of their computer.
I'll back that up. Not all clients are fan of installing stuff like ActiveX and indeed when I tried to put a few clients into desktop shares they had to reboot their computers.

Big problem with desktop sharing is you need mad amounts of RAM or it's sluggish or can't connect at all. It's for the younger clients - I'd never take anyone 50+ and put 'em into a desktop share.

Also true that it's not needed. If you have an engine (mine's installing today - finally giving into technology) you can just direct people to your page while on the phone. I didn't have an engine before and it was a bit daunting walking them through which carrier icons to click.
Why hasn't Norvax or Quotit included desktop quoting share in their service package?

Ohhh there I go again making them another million giving away all of the ideas!