Vacation Home Insurance


5000 Post Club
It has been a long time since I sold a home insurance policy, but what type of carriers insure vacation homes if they are vacant? About 15 years ago I was managing a small Allstate agency and we didn't want anything that went more than 30 days unoccupied? Are there different carriers and/or underwriting guidelines on it? With exotic cars there can be very different types of policies (stated value vs book value), but if someone leaves a home unoccupied for six months, is that business some carriers want?
Secondary Home Insurance is a tough market. I find that many agents just lie about the form of occupancy and put their head in the sand. If its a vacation home or secondary home, one of the uw quesitions is often How Long Does the House go Unoccupied? 6 months is a long time and I would suggest that your clients make sure they shut the water off and hire a property mgmt company.

Who does it? Its often not the normal coterie of insurers. Its the secondary market and since I do not konw what market you are in - its hard to say.

Here in CA its a Lloyds of London or FAIR/DIC right off the bat.

The real complicated question for these things is "How Often to you Rent it Out?" because the Short Term Rental Occupied market is brutal too.
Friends of mine used to have a home in AZ and a home in Idaho. They spent equal time in each. Both homes were written with State Farm.

That doesn't help independent agents, but it's a possibility.
We have a lot of snowbirds here in FL, so a lot of carriers will do that, even 6 mo here and 6 mo there. Although many require either monitored alarms or a gated community.
Friends of mine used to have a home in AZ and a home in Idaho. They spent equal time in each. Both homes were written with State Farm.

That doesn't help independent agents, but it's a possibility.

I find that many agents just lie about the form of occupancy and put their head in the sand.

State Farm agents would never lie about occupancy to get business
State Farm agents would never lie about occupancy to get business
There is one group of insurance agents that i have found are untruthful about this the most [and its not SF].

I cannot tell you how many people that I have spoken to that have the wrong form of occuapncy listed on the declarations page [right in front of them] and do not seem to think it matters.

I am convinced that we should change the industry terms to something along these lines:
Primary Owner Occupied Insurance
Tenant Occupied Landlord Insurance
Seasonal Occupied Insurance
Secondary Home Insurance is a tough market. I find that many agents just lie about the form of occupancy and put their head in the sand.