vimo live leads


just wanted to know if anyone is having luck with vimo at this time. I used them last year and did OK I am thinking about starting them back. I am just worried about ROI.
The top bid was a little to high in my state, 37.50. My bid of $25 only got 3 calls in 3 months. My phone answering % should be close to 100%. I was hoping that would move me up in their "formula," but I don't think it did. I am not willing to pay $40 for any lead.
I set my bid at $25 and only received one call. Then, I dropped my bid to $15. I received no bids, and in fact, received a letter stating that I was being "cut off" because I wasn't answering the phone when they called. But, I don't remember any calls that I ever received. Easy to track, since I used my cell phone.

I still dabble with their other leads, but I'm more cautious since some of the prices took a jump.

There's a possibility that they will add some filters. When that happens, I think they'll add a lot more business.
just wanted to know if anyone is having luck with vimo at this time. I used them last year and did OK I am thinking about starting them back. I am just worried about ROI.

if you think that you are the only one getting the lead your wrong....the last one I got was also contacted by 2 other agents and the guy swears he only called the # to talk to an agent and gave the operator his info....then he gets a call from an agency out of Houston and a Mega this tells me after they transfered to me they sold him to other agents.....really nice...
I set my bid low and get just a handful of calls per month, closing arount 50% of them. It's good for 1-2 apps per month and I don't really pay attention to it. If my phone rings and I have time, I answer it.
I set my bid low and get just a handful of calls per month, closing arount 50% of them. It's good for 1-2 apps per month and I don't really pay attention to it. If my phone rings and I have time, I answer it.

Yea I got this guy .....he is actually doing a life app with me also ....just got off the phone with him and he is up to 4 agents that have called him...the last one a few min's ago from Calie..prob. olag....he asks how did you get my name they say in my opinion VIMO is screwing the client and the agent by reselling this guys info to 4 other agents on top live transfer fee that is suppose to be an exclusive lead....I need to be selling and not have to beat off 4 other morons rebuting the lies from these goof balls....