Want to Get into Auto is There a Way to Get Training with Software and Policies Without Going to a B

What are some opinions on these insurance networks with access to major carriers. From a newbies perspective it seems as if they are just a middle man but is this a viable option to get training. Im considering part timing at Allstate because I do a bunch of other stuff
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So from what I am reading..beside the long headline that you want to do Auto insurance at home or in your Trailer. That could be hard to get companies to give you an appointment with out training and Knoweldge of the product.

What is Allstate having you do in the office?
Not sure what allstate had in mind probably cold calling.Half the **** off craigslist job section is a scam out here but it sounds like a shot at some exposure
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And what was that little cute comment big red
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Like others on these Forums, I will be glad to try to help you with some guidance thoughts. I am somewhat familiar with the MD Premium Aggregator world but need to know more about your needs. Is your immediate interest in P&C products and sales training?
The premium aggregators, agent networks, etc. will no doubt want to know that you at least have fairly strong product knowledge before they will talk seriously with you. Also, their carriers will want to know that you have an office location, not within your home. There may be some exceptions but not typically.
You need training, as you indicate. If Allstate will train you, consider it. You might also want to check with the PIA and IIA in your State and ask them to recommend some training resources for you. If the Allstate thing does not work out for you, consider hooking up with an agency in your area, to see if they will hire you and let you learn next to an experienced CSR.
The vehicle dealership connections could be helpful to you even now when you are lining up your options. An agency might be interested in exploring that with you, if it is something you can bring to the table.
Also, check out the Agency Equity website for some other resources. That could give you some good information. Best of good fortune to you.
consider hooking up with an agency in your area, to see if they will hire you and let you learn next to an experienced CSR.

I have talked with several people who have tried breaking in to the P&C business within the last few years and this is extremely difficult if not impossible...at least in the Baton Rouge market. Who wants to hire future competition.
You need to read the auto section, there is a lot for you to learn. The toughest insurance to break into is P&C.