Webinar Selling


New Member
Hi everyone,
Is anyone doing any webinar selling?
1) I am in the process of makeing several short video recordings (using Go To Meeting) Subject matter annuities, transfer of wealth, captive reps. etc.
2) They would then be sent out in e-mails to prospects, clients, captive reps.,etc. To see if after watching the very short video they have any interest in attending a Live Webinar on the subject, if so please click to register below.
3) I would then have the actual Live Webinar on the date they registered for......(using Go To Meeting).
4) Would then send them an e-mail, if interested in a private meeting with me....(using Go To Meeting), to get into the specifices of their particular objectives.
5) Use e-applications, or e-forms, fax, or mail to complete sale.
I don't have it all set up yet, but would like to have 8 or 10 recorded short videos, various products to solve goals, also for referrals, captives, etc. This way all I have to do is pick one click to e-mail and it's gone..........no cost for meals, room etc., also should only get people that are interested.
Any way.....what do you think, any ideas, or thoughts would be appreciated.
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Thanks for the spell check Bob, and the link to talk radio, interesting site...........However I am more interested in finding out if anyone is doing any webinar selling.....not so much what platform they are using..........
Once more Bob thanks for your input.