Well They Took Their Sweet Time

I know, but I was just commenting on the part b ded. I usually sell the F plan anyways so I don't see it to be a problem.

From the perspective you're talking about, it's not a problem except that premiums will probably go up a couple of bucks (if that) to reflect the larger gap they're filling; at the end of the day I don't think that's much of a concern. From the larger social perspective it's going to keep seniors from going to the doctors which is a problem. If someone is not on a med supp because they can't afford it they are also less likely to seek preventive care and with a $150 deductible the beneficiaries will feel like they're basically going to pay the full cost of their doctors visit which is a problem this administration should be more concerned about. Again, for any of the folks you sell a plan F it'll be at most a negligible change.