Went to Telemarketing Again (yikes)


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
Told myself never again back to telemarketing

But direct mail has not worked. Most of the telemarketing leads coming in next week I am
Going to freckin door knock. I will let you know!
How much dm have you done stank? If you have a large enough sample could it just be selection of the wrong end of town? This business is a raw numbers game and if you have enough numbers it seems to work almost no matter what you are doing. DM seems to vary based on areas of town but it all avgs out. Sometimes we amend our approach to suspects/prospects, such as attempting to qualify them too much on the front end; or attempting to close too quickly; or missing very crucial and important steps of the presentation, etc, etc. Consequently our production suffers and yep, we blame the leads, when in fact it is our own doing most often.

However, since you have committed to the telemkting, I will follow your feeback on that approach with great interest. Hopefully your dry spell is purely the dm leads, but I'd be surprised if it were. Wishing you the best on this experiment stank! Keep us posted.
I appreciate your input.i have been in business off and on for 42 years.Started on the debit with Pru in 1970.Also been doing direct mail for that long, when stamps were $ .06, unreal right . The
FE market is really strange these days. It's not the presentations that are a problem, it getting the appointment.i am unfortunely convienced
That door knocks are the only way to go What
A pain in the butt. They send in a card and to reach them after 4 or 5 times is a challange or the other usual excuses. So going to take the telemarketing lead and door knock 80 percent of
Them and call the rest and see what happens.
I am an independent MGA and will not give up.
Have a wonderful 4th!
Suburban mostly could be some near the city

But usually single home or apartments
Telemarketing is tough and so is direct mail with less than 1% response. Referrals have always been the best.
IThe FE market is really strange these days. It's not the presentations that are a problem, it getting the appointment.i am unfortunely convienced That door knocks are the only way to go What A pain in the butt. They send in a card and to reach them after 4 or 5 times is a challange or the other usual excuses.

I prefer the DM leads and then door knock them. This eliminates the endless calls and caller ID screeners. I'm a big guy, when I get them at the door I am harder to get rid of than when I'm on the phone... If I can engage them in convo at the door their life of being protected in one form or another is going to improve... FE, Med Supp, CA, etc.

I will usually try to call them once and if no answer they are getting a visit. Even those that I reach and say they have no interest, many of those will get a drop-by visit and amazingly some of those convert to sales. Something caused them to send in that card and it is our job to find out what it was and fill that need.