What Color Suit, Shirt and Tie is Best/acceptable for my Business Card?

My preference is navy suit with light blue shirt and some type of red patterned tie.
I personally think a picture of yourself on your business card is pretty cheesy. One exception....you look like brad Pitt.

Except that he is posing with his shirt on.

That being said, navy suit, white shirt, and red power tie always work.
You have to think about all the subtle nuances that your clothes say about you...

If its too flashy, the customer may think your arrogant. If its too cheap, they will think your poor and unsuccessful, and therefore will not want to do business with you.

A red tie, implies power and and strength. Not something you really want when your a salesman. It may scare off the more timid customers.
A Blue tie implies diplomacy. This might be good for most customers, but it could also make them think your a pushover. you dont want that either.

You dont want to make yourself look too young. because then they will think your inexperienced. Not too old either, then they might think your getting slow and only thinking about retirement. You want to be somewhere in the middle, so they think your young enough to have the energy to help, and old enough for the experience.

make sure the background is the right brightness too. Too bright will hurt their eyes, but too dark and you will blend in. and the color! thats important too! some colors give off different emotions when you look at them, make sure you google "color emotions"

this is very important. dont look too professional either, otherwise you will scare off your lower income prospects.
Even if you don't put your picture on your business card (I wouldn't personally, but that choice is up to the individual), you still have your other means of advertising where eventually your mug is gonna be up for everyone to see.

It really is hard to be so universal. Just wear something professional yet forgettable so you don't stick out one way or the other. Navy/white/red really is hard to beat for that. Just get the photo professionally done. Pet peeve of mine is this billboard I pass every day with an agent's ad on it, and he is dressed ok but his photo looks like he just took a selfie. I cringe every time I see it.
You have to think about all the subtle nuances that your clothes say about you...

If its too flashy, the customer may think your arrogant. If its too cheap, they will think your poor and unsuccessful, and therefore will not want to do business with you.

A red tie, implies power and and strength. Not something you really want when your a salesman. It may scare off the more timid customers.
A Blue tie implies diplomacy. This might be good for most customers, but it could also make them think your a pushover. you dont want that either.

You dont want to make yourself look too young. because then they will think your inexperienced. Not too old either, then they might think your getting slow and only thinking about retirement. You want to be somewhere in the middle, so they think your young enough to have the energy to help, and old enough for the experience.

make sure the background is the right brightness too. Too bright will hurt their eyes, but too dark and you will blend in. and the color! thats important too! some colors give off different emotions when you look at them, make sure you google "color emotions"

this is very important. dont look too professional either, otherwise you will scare off your lower income prospects.

Sooooooooooo, what colors would you go with?:err: