What Commercial Risks Carries a Good Premium and is Easy to Write

I sent you the solution ... did you get it?

If you want a method to get your marketing message PAST the gate keeper INTO the hands of the OWNER.

99% Open Rate
80% Recall Rate

So when you call they know who you are , remember what you sent and - LIKE you a little.

Hey SoCalBroker,
I did get your package and sent you a PM about that yesterday. Thanks for the info.
I don't understand the politics you're talking about. I prospect to a company until they let me quote their insurance, then I make a proposal. If they can see the benefits of working with our agency, and the coverages and the premium are good - we make a sale.
If not, we come back next year. The only politics I deal with are between me and my underwriters.
Everyone has their preference - that's the great thing when it comes to insurance... it can never get boring or old.
For the past 20 years we've had good success getting the decision makers name from company employees. They're usually good for giving up some personal info. that comes in handy at "presentation time" as well.

I'll agree with large rental complexes, larger restaraunts and mid sized contractors (10+ employees) all these fit our 15-25K group
I talked with my Commercial Underwriter today and she recommends the Automobile Service Industry. This industry carries a good premium (even without owning their own building), fairly easy to write, and it's something that the company is competitive in.

I tried some cold calls today and actually got to a lot of decision makers, but they were all "no's". This is good because it means I'm at least talking to someone who has to authority to decline my offer.

I'll ask the Underwriter if the company is competitive in strip malls, condos, and complexes. $15 to $20k in premiums sound really good.

Re: What Commercial Risks Carries a Good Premium and is Easy to W

Maybe I should move to CA. I'm in SC. A liberty mutual subsidiary is buying up the auto market with super low premiums.

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