Heard through my channels things changing rapidly at kskj .They let some people go, rejecting stuff they used to take . As I said no company changes stuff unless it's to their advantage.No magic . There's $1 to split up . Can't have rates 15-25% under the mkt and super aggressive underwriting . Somethings got to give when the claims roll in .Jd shame on you for attacking Rouse . One of the most respected and loved posters . Instead of beating people all the time trying being nice . I've noticed how to belittle all because you think your superior to others . I might drop a 10k mailer in your area , stay 2 weeks working 14 straight days . Feast on some kskj . Take you for a drink and drop 20 replacement forms in your lap . Lmao
KSKJ is changing things. They've made it known. You act like you have some insider info, when in actuality you talked to one dude who claims to be on a 115% contract.
Feast on KSKJ? Who does this clown think he is, JD?