What does the next Iteration of the FMO market look like if the new rule sticks?

I only write in Michigan, mainly self employed or spouse of a t65 person, there is big money in the self employed market, helps that Michigan based carriers par a % of premium, 6-7 % is typical
I only write in Michigan, mainly self employed or spouse of a t65 person, there is big money in the self employed market, helps that Michigan based carriers par a % of premium, 6-7 % is typical
Do you have any issues getting peeps making $50k+ Incomes covered with a Subsidy?
I'm seeing more articles about FMOS & Brokers suing CMS over the pay, do you think the new 2025 compensation rules will change?
Sueing the govt rarely wins . Agents don’t understand this is highly govt funded profits carriers are making . Just like cms controls fmv commissions to agents they control the overrides . They control what carriers can give agents . Fmo’s just angry because the golden goose has been killed .
Sueing the govt rarely wins . Agents don’t understand this is highly govt funded profits carriers are making . Just like cms controls fmv commissions to agents they control the overrides . They control what carriers can give agents . Fmo’s just angry because the golden goose has been killed .
The guys in Agent Boost referenced the Chevron case. From what I understand, it is a matter of how much deference CMS is allowed when no specific legislation exists for what it is proposing.