What is in the Healthcare Bill....

Either no such provisions exists in either bill or they are taking the particular clause out of context.

I'll give you an example. Does Aenta have "control" over my bank account when I provide them with my routing and acc't number for direct deposit? Can they view my transactions? Withdraw money? View my statements?

That's pretty much the analogy for this entire video.

I looked at both House and Senate bills - nowhere on page 29 of either bill does it remotely address health care rationing.
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Hard to take this seriously when they can't spell Medicaid correctly they misspelled it a bunch of times even though the graphic they stole somewhere has it spelled right on it...Even though this was a bad video, I still have called my Congressional Rep and told him how I feel if the compromise is done behind closed doors without a fair time period for people to read the bill before there is any final votes...And I mentioned I think every state should be treated the same no special bribes for certain senators....Being that he is a Democratic hack that votes however Pelosi wants I don't think it will do any good.
I'd like to know which bill the video is referencing. I pulled up the final House and Senate version and tried to match the first 5 pages the video referenced. Totally false. Maybe they were referencing one of the 1st House bills.
I don't have the attention span to watch it to the end but if the senate and house propose to introduce a bill with no transparency then therein lies the problem. If people are listening to some zamboni on youtube explaining what is in the bill (whatever "bill" means) then that is just the logical outcome of a cloak and dagger legislative process.

I heard that they are going to pull the plug on Grandma.

If Obama does not want his social secretary to testify to Congress about the security lapse at the white house then probably someone will come out with a youtube showing her in bed with Osama bin Laden. Don't like it ? Well, then get transparent.

This video was produced against a very early version of the bill, I think. I had seen it before, or one very close to it.

It was one of the versions that one of the committees in the house was working on. Not much resemblence to things today.

The video showed a link that I didn't try following but if I understood it I think it pertained to a July 9th version of a house bill...so it is old but considering all the changes, back room manuvering and such and then the rush to votes in the weirdest of times its no wonder stuff pops up that might not be relevant anymore and Congress is only getting some of what they deserve with this stuff.
Entertaining, but even for a conservative like me there is a lot of twisting of the truth here.