All threads in this forum get hijacked. The question is whether the original poster jacks the thread back....
You're numbers are okay, maybe, lots of variables, lets go through some....
10 calls a day means for the same 25 days, 250 a month, 3000 a year. Does he REALLY have this many clients? Probably not. Crosselling his book will be fruitful, but not as good as it sounds on the surface. You will have to have some additional sources for leads.
I assume a call is a client encounter, not just a random phone call to an answering machine. 10 a day is a good number to strive for, but, if you are setting 5 appointments, running 3, selling 2, you will be busy.
A client will have more than one auto most of the time. Okay, I can't speak for Alabama, but in California, I average 2 per household.
If your average premium is $800, you probably have high rates. Again, I can't speak for Alabama, but in my area, comp/collision/100/300 liability will run most drivers around $600, unless they are young, then you have to worry about lapses.
Speaking of lapses, you didn't mention how these will be treated. Make sure you know.
Now, running the numbers again....
3 car policies a day times 25 days (I usually use 22 in a month, but you can work Saturdays) = 75 cars a month.
75 cars a month = a huge amount of policies. Can be done, but you will be working.
75 cars * $800 premium * 10% commission * 80% retention / 50% to you = $2400 (difference being retention).
6 months later, on the renewal, he is making the full $4800 (again, assuming 80% retention). You don't get a part of this? Or do you get 50% of the renewals as well?
You're numbers are okay, maybe, lots of variables, lets go through some....
10 calls a day means for the same 25 days, 250 a month, 3000 a year. Does he REALLY have this many clients? Probably not. Crosselling his book will be fruitful, but not as good as it sounds on the surface. You will have to have some additional sources for leads.
I assume a call is a client encounter, not just a random phone call to an answering machine. 10 a day is a good number to strive for, but, if you are setting 5 appointments, running 3, selling 2, you will be busy.
A client will have more than one auto most of the time. Okay, I can't speak for Alabama, but in California, I average 2 per household.
If your average premium is $800, you probably have high rates. Again, I can't speak for Alabama, but in my area, comp/collision/100/300 liability will run most drivers around $600, unless they are young, then you have to worry about lapses.
Speaking of lapses, you didn't mention how these will be treated. Make sure you know.
Now, running the numbers again....
3 car policies a day times 25 days (I usually use 22 in a month, but you can work Saturdays) = 75 cars a month.
75 cars a month = a huge amount of policies. Can be done, but you will be working.
75 cars * $800 premium * 10% commission * 80% retention / 50% to you = $2400 (difference being retention).
6 months later, on the renewal, he is making the full $4800 (again, assuming 80% retention). You don't get a part of this? Or do you get 50% of the renewals as well?