What Makes a Great Insurance Broker Great?


New Member
Hi everyone!

New here, doing some research on the building blocks of a modern insurance broker and i was wondering if the brokers could help me out.

Simply put, I want to hear your stories:

  1. What things make you feel like a hero in front of your customer?
  2. What are some things you do that no one ever recognises?
  3. Can you share any stories about a consumer you went the extra mile for?
  4. What do you want to be known for?

Any responses are GREATLY appreciated, Thanks!
What is this research being done for?

Writing a paper for university. Won't be using any direct quotations, I just want to understand the individual broker a bit better. All the information available is in regards to figures and data, and I'm more interested in the humanistic side of getting involved with this job.

"Can you share any stories about a consumer you went the extra mile for?"

This probably doesn't qualify (and it shouldn't) but in the 80s, I used to have a "Vegetable Of The Month" club for good drivers. If I went on an appointment and their driving record was clean, I gave them a vegetable. I stopped after I dropped a zucchini on someone's glass table (they were big back then) and cracked it.
It's important to know the industry rather than just regurgitating what you were taught such as sound bytes. Qualify the prospect and pay close attention. Put yourself if their shoes and don't even think about commission. Explain the different products, having them take notes and stop talking while they are writing. Come across as a consultant and speak from the heart, just as if they were your own parents etc. Be clear and concise and speak in terms that they can understand. Break down the advantages and disadvantages and get ask questions that will get yes answers. Finish with an assumptive close -start filling out the app after they have narrowed down their choice. Make sure to tell them they have made a very wise decision and won't regret it.
"Can you share any stories about a consumer you went the extra mile for?"

This probably doesn't qualify (and it shouldn't) but in the 80s, I used to have a "Vegetable Of The Month" club for good drivers. If I went on an appointment and their driving record was clean, I gave them a vegetable. I stopped after I dropped a zucchini on someone's glass table (they were big back then) and cracked it.
Huh?? Am I missing something?
A great broker has to be independent. Being captive means you can't offer the best product but the product for the company with whom you are employed.

I have helped many people find insurance and received no compensation. It's all about doing the right thing, not necessarily what will generate a commission.

Chumps....I'm believing that's true because it's just too corny to be made up

You don't know Chumps, he is a very creative thinker. I actually enjoy his postings for his great sense of humor. I don't think he is connected to reality which makes it easy for him. Lucky guy.
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1. Help others - what goes around etc
2. Make money - better to have it, makes for a happy agent
3. Enjoy life - people will recognize it and help the agent bond
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