- 3,352
Is a basic understanding of human nature and economics. But we knew this already...Case in point: I have a small non profit organization that has a small group health policy with me. I am the broker of record. This month, they completely missed their payment (thought they paid for it already, but it was actually only for the month prior) and were in jeopardy of losing their group health plan by being in default of payment. If they didnt have me calling them telling them the insurance plan was going to lapse about a dozen peoples lives would have been adversely effected. My motivation was to save my small monthly residual income on this group, and the motivation of the group was to obviously keep their insurance. They were so appreciative of me for the calls, emails and follow up on how to get their payment quickly submitted. Now, in a free market society, what is so wrong with this relationship? When the government runs the exchanges who is going to call policyholders to tell them they are in default of payment (because the exchange plans won't be completely free) and what is going to be the motivation of those servicing exchange plans to keep policyholders plans intact? Further, what will be the point of the public "buying" these plans anyway when its guaranteed issue??? There is no motivation here...Some paltry IRS confiscation of your tax return.... I would like to see how the government plans on running this scenario better as it seems like they have thought of none of these scenarios...Our current government obviously sees no value in the services we provide and doesnt really believe in the free market health system anyway where people choose plans and they choose who they want to buy the plans through... so maybe this post of mine really doesn't matter anyway. Just some random thoughts.
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