What Will Happen with the Ind. Health Market for Agents and Brokers?

While limited plans sound like a good idea the fact is that they are terrible choices for anyone with assets.

A doctor I know recently had cardiac surgery, his bill for the hospital stay and surgery was over $200,000. Even the best limited benefit plan I've seen would probably leave him with a bill for at least $75,000 and probably much more.

I don't know about anyone else but I can't make representations to my clients who make above 400% of the FPL that any limited benefit plan makes sense for them, I have way too much conscience for that. And selling these plans to those who get subsidies should be tarred and feathered, IMO.

Anyone who sells in the Federal exchange is going to be compensated, the goal for all health agents should be to survive through a very tough 2013 (unless a ruling is made that any plans purchased in 2013 will expire at the anniversary date in 2014, in which case it will be a great year) and take the time to learn how to work the system-subsidies will be based on Silver plans, learn how to use supplemental benefits along with Bronze plans to save your clients money, get them better benefits (most likely) and increase your compensation.
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I don't see how the limited med market is going to stay around.

The people that take those plan now can qualify for a subsidized plan through an exchange. They will pay no more than 9.5% of house hold income toward the premium.

So I would say you are going to have to shift gears.

I would add that the people who buy these plans today are:

1. Uninsurable - solved with exchanges
2. Poor - solved with medicaid or highly subsidized coverage
3. Have a bad agent - who has a boss that teaches them the wrong way to do business and makes higher over-rides on sales. I've had 10 agents from Mega tell me they didn't know about major medical availability before meeting me.
...I've had 10 agents from Mega tell me they didn't know about major medical availability before meeting me.

The public's knowledge base is dismal. Last night, my husband was visiting his mother in the nursing home when Obama was re-elected. My husband said to one of the staff nurses, "Well, I guess we will definitely have Obamacare," to which the nurse sincerely asked, "will that make any changes at all to our current system?"