What Would You Do 100K ?

I NEED information on that Allianz MasterDex 10. I have a client who wants it and I don't even know what it is (details please).

I would like to look into it for my other client as well.....

What wholesale broker can I contract through to get it? I don't see it at brokeralliance or another place I'm looking into?????

Wait,I found it on Brokers Alliance. Does anyone know about the details of it?
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Yeah, she doesn't like the Allianz rep...............but she likes the product. I try to know a few well but I don't know this one. I'll call tomorrow.
"Super Genius" is just not the highest form of praise for Kris123.

Isn't there a Grand Poobah level?
I would take the $100,000 to Mexico and .....

Nevermind... LOL It's all legal down there you know and $100,000 is like having a 1,000,000 here.

I would buy $100,000 in Obama Sucks T-shirts and hit the streets selling them.
"I would buy $100,000 in Obama Sucks T-shirts and hit the streets selling them."

That could be a gold mine. :biggrin:

On the suggestion of the MasterDex 10: No, terrible choice. If you like Allianz then go with the Masterdex X for someone his age or the MasterDex 5 plus. The MasterDex 10 has no way to escape.
100k would be a nice poker bankroll. Guess I would be flying to SoCal card room every weekend.

Or open a pot dispensary....