What's are some great CRM'S for FE TELESALES ?

Initially, I was really leaning towards DBGA, but I don't have the capital right now for a $500-800/wk lead expense cost, especially as I would be expected to be full time. To be able to pay my bills until things click, I would need 3-4 months cushion for that much liquid weekly capital. With NS & PPG, I can handle the costs right now.
I'm going to be working for Amazon over the weekends, so I can pay my bills, and cover my nut while I'm learning FE telesales, so I can work full time during the week with either NS or PPG. Yes, it's going to be exhausting for a good 6 months, but to quote the musical HAMILTON, "I'm young, scrappy and hungry and I'm not givin' away my shot!"
It's just too big of a financial ask right now, for DBGA. I KNOW it takes money to make money, as JRoot pointed out. I know this, having run my own business for 20 years. But, dems' the breaks for me right now.
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Hi Vince & Ramiz,

I've now watched both PPG & NorthStar's webinars, and both look outstanding to work with as a Telesales Agent. It's fantastic to have choices, but now I'm stuck which way to go.....

Decisions, decisions......
Can anyone jump in concerning NorthStar & PPG? I'm really torn and don't know which way to go.....

I can help.woth anything you want to know about PPG.

We have several options for agents within our company. Feel free to gove me a call if you'd like to discuss. 7656670990
Initially, I was really leaning towards DBGA, but I don't have the capital right now for a $500-800/wk lead expense cost, especially as I would be expected to be full time. To be able to pay my bills until things click, I would need 3-4 months cushion for that much liquid weekly capital. With NS & PPG, I can handle the costs right now.
I'm going to be working for Amazon over the weekends, so I can pay my bills, and cover my nut while I'm learning FE telesales, so I can work full time during the week with either NS or PPG. Yes, it's going to be exhausting for a good 6 months, but to quote the musical HAMILTON, "I'm young, scrappy and hungry and I'm not givin' away my shot!"
It's just too big of a financial ask right now, for DBGA. I KNOW it takes money to make money, as JRoot pointed out. I know this, having run my own business for 20 years. But, dems' the breaks for me right now.
Who did you decided to go with?